On 24 August AD79, the sleeping giant Mount Vesuvius erupted with
horrifying force, destroying the prosperous Roman cities Pompeii and
Herculeneum. Their inhabitants were subjected to 24 hours of untold
horror. Four million tonnes of pumice, rock and ash rained on the towns,
suffocating the life out of the cities, and burying alove those who had
been unable to flee. Pompeii - The Last Day recreates that momentous
day, and shows first hand the horror of Pompeii's last hours. Factual
characters based on historical and forensic evidence unearthed in
Pompeii and Herculaneum, as well as extracts from Gauis Plinius Monor's
account of the disaster, help bring to life one of the most notorious
disasters in history. Using stunning visual effects, the film
recreates each stage of the 24 hour eruption and explores the
devastating impact on the main characters; Julius Polybius, wealthy
baker and aspiring politician; Stephanus, a cloth worker and social
climber and his wife Fortunata Celadus the celebrity gladiator; Pliny
the elder, in charge of the rescue mission; and, finally, Pliny the
younger, who documents the horrors of the tragedy. The highest ever
rated history documentary on the BBC at the time of its release in 2003,
it was reportedly watched by more than 10 million people.
Here be Laurel And Hardy in Our Wife ... Oliver's plans to marry his
hefty sweetheart go awry when the girl's father gets a load of her
intended groom. They then elope in a tiny car much too small for their
combined dimensions, not to mention the accompanying Stan.
και λίγο καθυστερημένα θα ήθελα να δώσω τα συγχαρητήρια στα παιδιά μου
που με έκαναν υπερήφανη στις εξετάσεις για την λήψη των πτυχίων τους.... Σας
ευχαριστώ που δώσατε το 100% του εαυτού σας στην ομαδική προσπαθειά
μας, που δουλέψατε σκληρά παρόλο τον φόρτο των μαθημάτων του σχολείου
σας! Σας
ευχαριστώ πολύ που με εμπιστευτήκατε...και να σας ευχηθώ από δω και στο
εξής πολλές επιτυχίες..Η δημοσίευση αυτή ειναι αφιερωμένη και στους 3 αποτυχόντες μου. Σας διαβεβαιώνω πως τον Δεκέμβρη, θα έρθει η δική σας σειρά!! Άλλωστε μια ΑΤΥΧΙΑ ήταν και οχι ΑΠΟΤΥΧΙΑ!!! Να ξέρετε πως ότι και αν βάλετε στο μυαλό σας
μπορείτε να το καταφέρετε, αρκεί να μην τα παρατήσετε....παλέψτε για οτι
σας κάνει ευτυχισμένους ....
Σας αγαπώ !!! Η καθηγήτριά σας...
Τα ονόματα των επιτυχόντων με τυχαία σειρά
1.Α Ρ Γ Υ Ρ Ω Λ Η Μ Ν Ι Ο Υ
( Τ Ο Ε Ι C - B2 )
2.Α Ι Μ Ι Λ Ι Α Ν Ο Τ Α ΧΙ Ρ Α Ϊ
( L O W E R - E S B B2 )
5.Μ Ο Ν Ι Κ Α Μ Ε Τ Ρ Ε Β Ε Λ Η ( L O W E R - ES BB2 ) 6. Α Ν Α Σ Τ Α Σ Ι Α Μ Α Ν Ο Υ Σ Ο Υ ( L O W E R - E C C E B2 ) 7. Ε Υ Α Κ Ο Υ Τ Σ Ο Υ ( L O W E R - E C C E B2 ) 8. Κ Ω Ν Σ Τ Α Ν Τ Ι Ν Α Κ Α Λ Λ Η ( L O W E R - E S B B2 ) 9. Κ Ω Ν Σ Τ Α Ν Τ Ι Ν Α Κ Α Λ Λ Η ( L O W E R - E C C E B2 )
Learn english with Oxford English videos are best way to improve English
listening. speaking skills and make your pronunciation become perfect.
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Learn english with Oxford English videos are best way to improve English
listening. speaking skills and make your pronunciation become perfect.
Hope you like this videos.
Learn english with Oxford English videos are best way to improve English
listening. speaking skills and make your pronunciation become perfect.
Hope you like this videos.
In British English, you can "do sport". In American English you can "play sports".
A typical mistake Spanish speakers make is using the verb practise for sports:
*I love practising sport. This should be: I love sport.
*I usually practise sport every evening. This should be: I usually do sport every evening.
However, in American English you can use the verb practise or practice (as it is spelt there) to mean "to train": The team is practicing for tomorrow's competition.
When other words related to sports are used, we may use other verbs: "What sports do you do?" "I play tennis".
Observe these pictures:
There are three verbs that collocate with sports and other free time activities: go, do and play, but they are not interchangeable:
Go is used with activities and sports that end in -ing. The verb go here implies that we go somewhere to practice this sport: go swimming.
Do is used with recreational activities and with individual,
non-team sports or sports in which a ball is not used, like martial
arts, for example: do a crossword puzzle, do athletics, do karate.
Play is generally used with team sports and those sports that
need a ball or similar object (puck, disc, shuttlecock...). Also, those
activities in which two people or teams compete against each other: play football, play poker, play chess.
In this table there is a list of sports and activities that collocate with these verbs:
board games
a crossword puzzle
tai chi
Some exceptions to the rules:
You use do with three activities that end in -ing: do boxing,do body-building and do weight-lifting because they don't imply moving along as the other activities ending in -ing.
Golf: if there is an idea of competition, you use the verb play. However, you can say go golfing if you do it for pleasure: Tiger Woods plays golf. We'll go golfing at the weekend.
Sometimes I hear people complain about the uselessness of learning
Latin. "It's a dead language", they say, "Nobody speaks it any more"...
While it's true that it has stopped being the lingua franca, that is,
the language in which people from different parts of the world were able
to communicate, it's a matter of fact that the Western World is hugely
indebted to the culture and language of the Romans, for so much of our
own culture derives from it.
The calendar is a feature that reminds us of how indebted we are to the Romans. To begin with, the very word calendar comes from Kalenda, which was the first day of the month in Latin.
The old Roman calendar used to have ten months and the priests had to
add some days at the end so that it kept with the solar year. Later,
King Numa changed it to a 12 month year, adding January and February,
which became the last months of the year.
Let's have a look at the names of the months in Latin:
March. The Romans started the year with the month of Martius, devoted to Mars, the God of war. It was in this month when soldiers started their training.
April. Aprilis was devoted to the goddess Venus, and although it is uncertain where the name comes from, the Romans thought it came from aprire, which means to open.
May(Maius) derives its name from the goddess Maia, to
whom a sow (female pig) was sacrificed on the first day of the month.
Maia, mother of Mercury, was an earth goddess who promoted growth.
June. The month of Junius is devoted to Juno, Jupiter's wife and mother of several gods and goddesses.
July was originally called Quintilis, because it was
the fifth month. (Remember that the year started in March). However,
following Julius Caesar's death, it was called after him.
August was originally Sextillis, that is the sixth month. Later, they changed its name for that of Octavius Augustus, the first Roman Emperor.
September is called so because it was originally the seventh month. Septem means "seven".
October used to be the eighth month. Octo is eight.
November comes from nove, or ninth month.
December was the tenth month, as decem means "ten".
January was named in honour of the god Janus, the deity
related to beginnings and ends. He has two faces, one looking to the
past, the other to the future.
February was the month of the purification rituals caled Februa, which used to be carried out in the middle of this month.
If you've ever sat at your desk
thinking "ugh, I hate this," you can go ahead and blame your birthday.
(Kind of.) Just like all aspects of your life, your zodiac sign has an
influence on the things you value in a career—and, naturally, what path
may be best for you. Here, astrologer Kelli Fox of TheAstrologer.com
reveals what kind of employee you are, what makes you do well in your
work environment, and, of course, what careers will make you an absolute
Selecting the right CV to highlight your skills and experiences is
extremely important. Find out which type would be the most effective for
People often create one CV and then send this out regardless
of the job or employer. This is a mistake and it could lead to you
missing out on an interview invitation, or even a job offer. Tailoring
your CV is essential and so the more effort you put into it the better.
The CV must highlight skills which match the recruiter's needs and
sometimes you may need to employ a different CV template to achieve