Παρασκευή 29 Αυγούστου 2014

Τετάρτη 27 Αυγούστου 2014

Τρίτη 19 Αυγούστου 2014

Συμπτώματα της Δυσλεξίας σε κάθε ηλικία!

Στο Gemm Learning παρουσιάστηκε το Dyslexia Infographic που αναφέρει τα συμπτώματα της Δυσλεξίας όπως εκφράζονται κάθε φορά ανάλογα με την ηλικία του παιδιού.
Της Άσπας Μητρακάκη, Ειδικής Παιδαγωγού-κοινωνικής ανθρωπολόγου, ειδικευμένης στην αντιμετώπιση μαθησιακών δυσκολιών/δυσλεξίας, dyslexiaathome.blogspot.com
   Ο πίνακας που ακολουθεί θα σας βοηθήσει ώστε να κατανοήσετε τα συμπτώματα ενός παιδιού με Δυσλεξία, ανάλογα βέβαια και με την ηλικία του. 

Αντοχή-ζωτικότητα κατά την ανάγνωση:
Δεν μπορεί να διαβάσει για μεγάλες περιόδους (9-11 και 12+)
Κουράζεται ακόμα και όταν διαβάζει για λίγη ώρα (9-11 και 12+)
Ξαναδιαβάζει την ίδια σελίδα πολλές φορές (9-11 και 12+)
Είναι αργός αναγνώστης (9-11 και 12+)

Η στάση του απέναντι στην ανάγνωση:
Αντιστέκεται στην ανάγνωση (5-8, 9-11 και 12+)
Δεν διαβάζει για ευχαρίστηση (9-11 και 12+)
Είναι απρόθυμο να διαβάσει φωναχτά (5-8)
Δεν έχει αγαπημένο βιβλίο χωρίς εικόνες (5-8)
Η μελέτη για το σπίτι είναι πηγή άγχους (9-11 και 12+)

Φωνολογική ετοιμότητα:
Δεν μπορεί να διαβάσει άγνωστες λέξεις (5-8)
Μαντεύει ή προσπερνά λέξεις όσο διαβάζει (5-8)
Εισάγει, παραλείπει ή μπερδεύει γράμματα όσο διαβάζει (5-8)
Δεν του αρέσει να διαβάζει φωναχτά (5-8)
Αντιστρέφει γράμματα όταν γράφει (5-8)

Δυσκολία να καταλάβει τη κυριολεκτική έννοια αυτών που διάβασε (9-11)
Δεν μπορεί να εκμαιεύσει τις κύριες ιδέες ενός κειμένου (12+)
Δεν τα πάει καλά σε τεστ πολλαπλής επιλογής (12+)
Φτωχή μνήμη για γεγονότα και δεδομένα που δεν έχει ζήσει (9-11 και 12+)
Δυσκολία να φτάσει σε συμπεράσματα απο ένα κείμενο (9-11 και 12+)

Αγνοεί κανόνες στίξης (5-8)
Η φωναχτή ανάγνωση είναι αργή ή ασταθής (5-8, 9-11)
Δεν μπορεί να διαβάσει φωναχτά με ρυθμό και κατάλληλο ύφος, είναι μονότονο (5-8)
Θέλει να διαβάζει βιβλία μικρότερου βαθμού δυσκολίας (5-8, 9-11)
Έχει δυσκολίες οπτικής διάκρισης (5-8, 9-11)

Δυσκολία στην ομοιοκαταληξία (3-4)
Φτωχό λεξιλόγιο (3-4, 5-8)
Δυσκολία σε πολλαπλές οδηγίες (3-4, 5-8)
Αργεί να απαντήσει σε ερωτήσεις (5-8)
Προφέρει λάθος μεγάλες λέξεις όταν μιλάει (5-8)
Δεν συμμετέχει σε ομάδες συζήτησης (3-4 και 5-8)

Δευτέρα 11 Αυγούστου 2014

The certificate of the Italian Language (CELI)

The certificate of the Italian Language (CELI) is a title that accredits the degree of linguist competence and control of Italian given by the University for Foreigners of Perugia, the most prestigious institution in the field of teaching Italian as a foreign language.


CELI Impatto (level A1)
CELI 1 (level A2)    
CELI 2 (level B1)
CELI 3 (level B2)
CELI 4 (level C1)
CELI 5 (level C2)


The examination for CELI 1 tests the knowledge of Italian at an elementary level which would enable the candidate to survive in an Italian-speaking environment. The examination for CELI 1 is based on the Council of Europe's Waystage specifications. Candidates must possess the necessary ability to fulfil the essential communicative requirements of normal everyday situations. The examination consists of a set of four components: reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, speaking.


The examination for CELI 2 is based on the Council of Europe's Threshold specifications. Candidates must show a knowledge of Italian which would allow them to interact in basic social situations in an Italian-speaking environment. The examination consists of a set of four components: reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension, speaking.


The examination for CELI 3 tests the knowledge of Italian at an intermediate level. Candidates must possess the language skills necessary to deal with simple tasks and social situations in everyday life. The examination for CELI 3 is based on the Council of Europe's Vantage specifications. The examination consists of a set of five components: reading comprehension, writing, structural competence, listening comprehension, speaking.


The examination for CELI 4 tests the knowledge of Italian at an advanced level. Candidates must possess the language skills necessary to function fully inside an Italian-speaking environment, even in work or study situations. The examination consists of a set of five components: reading comprehension, writing, structural competence, listening comprehension, speaking.


The examination for CELI 5 tests the knowledge of Italian at an advanced level. Candidates must possess the language skills necessary to interact in any social and professional context. The examination consists of a set of five components: reading comprehension, writing, structural competence, listening comprehension, speaking.

Details about the DELF - DALF Examinations.

Type of tests: A1


Mark out of

Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three or four very short recordings on everyday life (played twice).
Maximum duration of recordings: 3 mins
20 minutes
/ 25
Reading Comprehension questionnaires dealing with four or five written documents on everyday life.
0 h 30
/ 25
Two part test:
    - filling in a record, a form
    - writing simple phrases (postcards, messages, stories etc) on everyday topics.
> 0 h 30
/ 25
Three part test:
     - guided conversation
     - exchanging information
     - role-play.
5 à 7 mins
10 mins
/ 25
Total duration of all tests: 1 hour 20
* Total mark out of 100
* Overall pass mark: 50/100
* Pass mark per test: 5/25

Type of tests: A2


Mark out of

Listening Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three or four short recordings on everyday life (played twice).
Maximum duration of recordings: 5 mins
25 minutes
/ 25
Reading Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three or four short recordings on everyday life.
0 h 30
/ 25
Two short pieces of writing (letter to a friend or message)
    - describe an event or personal experiences
    - invite, thank, say sorry, ask for something, give information, congratulate in writing...
0 h 45
/ 25
Three part test:
    - guided conversation
    - exchanging information
    - role-play.
6 to 8 mins
preparation :
10 mins
/ 25
Total duration of all tests: 1 hour 40
* Total mark out of 100.
* Overall pass mark: 50/100
* Pass mark per test: 5/25

Type of tests: B1


Mark out of

Listening Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three recordings (played twice).
Maximum duration of recordings: 6 mins
25 minutes
/ 25
Reading Comprehension questionnaires dealing with two written documents:
    - extract useful information concerning a particular task
    - analyse the contents of a document of general interest.
0 h 35
/ 25
Express personal opinions on a general topic (essay, letter, article etc).
0 h 45
/ 25
Test in three parts:
    - guided conversation
    - interactive exercise
    - expressing an opinion on a document designed to elicit a reaction.
15 minutes
preparation: 0 h 10
(does not concern the 3rd part of the test)
/ 25
Total duration of all tests: 1 hour 45
* Total mark out of 100.
* Overall pass mark: 50/100
* Pass mark per test: 5/25

Type of tests: B2


Mark out of

Listening Comprehension questionnaires dealing with three recordings:
    - interview, news bulletin etc (played once)
    - presentation, lecture, speech, documentary, radio or television programme (played twice).
Maximum duration of recordings: 8 mins
30 minutes
/ 25
Reading Comprehension questionnaires dealing with two written documents:
    - text of an informational nature regarding France or the French-speaking world
    - text of an argumentative nature
1 h
/ 25
Taking a personal stand (contributing to a debate, formal letter, review of a film/book)
1 h
/ 25
Stating and defending an opinion based on a short document designed to elicit a reaction.
20 minutes
preparation: 0 h 30
/ 25
Total duration of all tests: 2 h 30
* Total mark out of 100.
* Overall pass mark: 50/100
* Pass mark per test: 5/25

Type of tests: C1


Mark out of

Listening Comprehension questionnaires dealing with recordings:
    - a long recording (interview, lesson, conference...) approximately eight minutes long (played twice)
    - several short radio broadcasts (newsflashes, surveys, adverts etc) (played once).
Maximum duration of recordings: 10 mins
40 minutes
/ 25
Reading Comprehension questionnaires dealing with a text of ideas (literary or journalistic), 1,500 to 2,000 words long.
0 h 50
/ 25
Two part test:
    - Summarise several written documents totalling approximately 1,000 words
    - write an essay with supporting arguments on the contents of the documents
   Candidate can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
2 h 30
/ 25
A presentation based on a series of written documents, followed by a discussion with the examiners.
   Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
0 h 30
preparation: 1 h
/ 25
Total duration of all tests: 4 h 00 * Total mark out of 100. * Overall pass mark: 50/100 * Pass mark per test: 5/25

Type of tests: C2


Mark out of

Listening and Speakings
Three part test:
    - write-up the contents of a recording (played twice)
    - personal development based on the problem given in the recording
    - debate with the examiners.
   Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
passation: 0 h 30
preparation: 1 h
/ 50
Compréhension et Writings
Writing a structured text (article, editorial, report, speech etc) based on several documents totalling approximately 2,000 words.
   Candidates can choose between two fields: humanities and social studies, science
3 h 30
/ 50
Total duration of all tests: 3 h 30

DALF - Diploma in Advanced French Language Studies.

DALF - Diploma in Advanced French Language Studies

Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française
The DALF is an official diploma delivered by the French National Education board to certify French competences of the foreign candidates. The DALF is composed of 2 independent diplomas corresponding to the last two levels of the Framework European of Reference for Languages.
People who have passed the DALF (C1 or C2) are exempt from taking language tests for entrance into French universities. 


Language users at level C1 are independent. They can express themselves fluently and spontaneously. They have a large vocabulary and can choose the appropriate expression to introduce their comments. They can produce clear, well-structured discourse without hesitation and which shows controlled use of structures.


C2 users' proficiency in the language is illustrated by precision, appropriateness and fluency of expression. C2 candidates are capable of using the language for academic and advanced-level purposes.

DELF - Diploma in French Language Studies.

DELF - Diploma in French Language Studies

Diplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française
The DELF is an official diploma delivered by the National Education BOard to certify the foreign candidates' competences in French. The DELF is composed with 4 independant diplomas corresponding to the first four levels of the European Framework of Reference for Languages.


This level recognises basic knowledge. It is the most basic level at which a language is used, called the "discovery" stage. At this stage, the learner can interact in a simple way: he/she can speak about him/herself and his/her immediate environment.


Based on the same principle: it recognises the linguistic ompetency of a basic user, considered as a social actor. The candidate can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring the most common polite phrases and exchanges of information.


At this level, the user becomes independent. He/she can maintain interaction: he/she can understand and maintain a discussion and give his/her opinion. He/she is capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life.


A B2 user has a degree of independence that allows him/her to construct arguments to defend his/her opinion, explain his/her viewpoint and negotiate. At this level, the candidate has a degree of fluency and spontaneity in regular interactions and is capable of correcting his/her own mistakes.

The Goethe-Institut's German language examinations.

The Goethe-Institut's German language examinations correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and range from A1 for beginners to C2 for language skills at the highest level. 

Elementary use of language
A1 A2
Can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs. Can introduce him/herself and others as well as ask others about themselves – e.g. where they live, who they know and what they own – and can respond to questions of this nature. Can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help. Can understand sentences and commonly used expressions associated with topics directly related to his/her direct circumstances (e.g. personal information or information about his/her family, shopping, work, immediate surroundings). Can make him/herself understood in simple, routine situations dealing with a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and common topics. Can describe his/her background and education, immediate surroundings and other things associated with immediate needs in a simple way.


Independent language use
B1 B2
Can understand the main points when clear, standard language is used and the focus is on familiar topics associated with work, school, leisure time, etc. Can deal with most situations typically encountered when travelling in the language region. Can express him/herself simply and coherently regarding familiar topics and areas of personal interest. Can report on experiences and events, describe dreams, hopes and goals as well as make short statements to justify or explain his/her own views and plans. Can understand the main contents of complex texts on concrete and abstract topics; also understands specialized discussions in his/her own primary area of specialization. Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is easily possible without a great deal of effort on either side. Can express him/herself on a wide range of topics in a clear and detailed manner, explain his/her position on a current issue and indicate the benefits and drawbacks of various options.


Autonomous language ability
C1 C2
Can understand a wide range of challenging, longer texts and also grasp implicit meanings. Can express him/herself spontaneously and fluently without having to search for words frequently and noticeably. Can use the language effectively and flexibly in his/her social and professional life or in training and studies. Can make clear, structured and detailed statements on complex topics and apply various means of text association appropriately in the process. Can effortlessly understand practically everything which he/she reads or hears. Can summarize information from various written and spoken sources, logically recounting the reasons and explanations. Can express him/herself spontaneously with high fluency and precision and also make finer nuances of meaning clear in more complex topics.

Levels of Goethe-Institut examinations and language courses

GER* level   Young people Students Professionals
A1   SD1 Fit 1

A2   SD2 Fit 2

B1   B1 B1

B2   B2
TestDaF ZDfB
C1   C1
C2   C2: GDS